Saharra White Wolf


Saharra White-Wolf (Red Cosmic Skywalker kin 13) was born and raised in Austria. She has received her spiritual name in 2014. The meaning from spirit of ‘Saharra’ is “the unlimited Expansion of Consciousness” plus “Somebody to rely on/shelter”, and ‘White-Wolf’ the “Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Unconditional Love.” She changed her name officially to honor her spiritual Path for this life and beyond.

Saharra’s awakening started during her teenage years when she read the book “The Celestine Prophecies,” the story of “Synchronicity” was the code she needed to awaken. The Awakening is a unique, transformative process of the soul to find Truth, Freedom, return to Love and Oneness with great Spirit. The journey of Awakening for Saharra was the path of exploring soul wounds, conditioned patterns of identity, past life regression, trauma, deep shadow work, inner child wounding, karma work, and clearing of limited, subconscious belief systems. Through this not so easy process she shifted her energies to higher vibrations through Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, Shamanism, Mystery School studies, and other healing modalities which supported her growth. Because of her higher vibrational shifts, she started accessing different dimensions/spaces of Consciousness and started speaking the Cosmic Language of Light

Becoming the mother of three children was one of her biggest gifts in life that deepened her awakening experience.   Spirit asked her to write children books based on her shamanic experience to inspire the reader to go within and open their hearts to love and spirit again. Although she resisted for quite some time, she has published two books so far on amazon for the young and the old.  Because of her children, she started to work with homeopathy, home remedies and alternative healing modalities to support the development of her children. She is a strong supporter of Waldorf education, which her children experienced. 

Through further DNA activations, Saharra started remembering Lemurian lives and connected with her Star family, who are of Pleiadian origin.  She started being guided to specific places in the US, where further activations and soul remembrances occurred. Saharra connected with the Lemurian Council of the Cosmic Heart & Light, and benevolent Light Beings from the Pleiadian, Arcturian and Sirian star systems. She also started working with the Cosmic Mother Shekinah frequencies, which she received in Peru in 2017. The symbol of the Cosmic Mother Shekinah is represented in her logo.  Later on, some Hathors and  Andromedans came along, besides many Ascended Masters, Native American Guides, Nature Spirits and the Directional Elements and Power Animals, who she was already connected and working with. Many of her guides found their way into her books besides many experiences she had. Now, she works with a group consciousness of all these sacred beings of Light in all of her sessions and ceremonies. 

The Emerald Green Circle from the Stars is something that she is bringing in more at this moment of time. They are divine feminine frequencies from the Stars and Lemurian in origin on this planet.

Saharra was guided to move to Sedona, AZ and got trained in Quantum Shift Breathwork, an offspring of shamanic breathwork, which was created here in Sedona and honors the divine feminine flow. During Covid, the deep awakening of the planet, she started her patreon membership site “Cosmic Awakening to Love” to continue her Light Language Ceremonies and her Breathwork bi-monthly online, which is still a wonderful growing community. Also, during this time, Mother Cacao came to her, and requested Saharra to start sacred Cacao Ceremonies, which she did. Mother Cacao is a sacred medicine, to bring people back into their hearts, body, and she connects to the tribal aspects of ourselves and the Earth. 

Saharra understood expanding in light also meant to expand in the dark. She attended a Laura Whorley seminar in 2022 to understand SRA and mind control programming on a deeper level, as she started to see alters in her session work.  

Saharra offers shamanic transformational sessions for adults and children via zoom or in person, Akashic Record phone consultations, Quantum Shift breathwork sessions and facilitates Light Language and sacred Cacao Ceremonies when guided. She offers private shamanic transformational day experiences in Sedona as well. 

In 2023 she was guided to create her own Star Shamanism Apprenticeship program to bring forth a new lineage of the Stars. Only brothers and sisters with specific shamanic frequencies were and are allowed in this class.  In this 4-months level 1 program, her students went through initiations into the 12 Chakra system, her shamanic Star lineage, and learned soul clearing, ancestral line clearing, soul retrieval work, creating sacred space, sealing of energy tears, information about chakras and energy bodies, cord cutting, inner child healing, how to facilitate shamanic drum journeys and sacred cacao ceremonies, how to connect to spirit and so much more.  As Saharra is evolving, her program is evolving as well. She is focusing on her next book at this time, before she will hold another Star Shamanism apprenticeship program. She will only work with Light Language Speakers and the program will entail not only the first level, but also second level of initiation into the priestess hood and the divine feminine goddesses, and the third level teaching will be of the Akashic Records. 




In Saharra’s perspective we are in the middle of shifting a 26.000-year-old cycle of darkness into light and it is the most exciting time to be here. Only when we disconnect from the inorganic matrix and go within, heal our trauma not only in the physical, but also in our energy bodies, we will return back to Love and Oneness. We will create Heaven on Earth through activating your Christ Consciousness within us. The Ascension is a personal journey to get back into the organic timeline through remembering who we already are. When we increase our frequency CARE increases, not only for ourselves, but also for others and the Earth which is the progression of our evolution.  Love will always be the most powerful force in the universe and will never fail us.