Saharra was asked by Spirit to start writing books. First she resisted and had her own self-doubt, because English is not her mother tongue. Then she started…..
both books are written in 3 colors to make the readers aware of the dimensional shifts in her work.
Black color: takes place in our 3D world.
Blue color: takes place in the unseen spirit world.
Purple colors: takes place in the magical space, where the spirit of human merges with the spirits of the spirit world.

The Inside World 

“The Inside World”, the first book of “The Inner Knowing Trilogy”
was written for 9 year olds and up.

The Hero of this story is a boy called Ezrael, who was chosen by Spirit to change the vibration of love on Planet Earth.
The story shows how the spiritual world tries to connect with him (as with us) all the time, through synchronicity and events that guide him away from darkness toward the light.
It is an adventure through initiations, spiritual connection, doubt, fall of the hero, until he ultimately finds unconditional self- love.

Illustrator: Laura McClanahan, See Link Below!

Saharra wants to inspire children and adults to go within, find and trust their spirit connection, conquer self-doubt and find self-love through compassion.

The Remembering 

The continuation of the first book for 11 year olds and up. It is the second book of “The Inner Knowing Trilogy”.

The Lemurian Star Team, a group of seemingly normal teenagers, synchronistically come together to awaken to their multidimensional and cosmic powers. They unite with the Intergalactic Beings of Light to battle the Dark Forces, who are determined to keep humans enslaved in the matrix of fear.

Throughout this breathtaking adventure, readers are kept on the edge of their seats by the unexpected twists and Divine Interventions that stun and continuously counteract the Dark Powers.

With the Zero Hour approaching, will the newly awakened Star Team remember how to use their superpowers in the quantum field in time to bring back the Lemurian energies of Divine Love, Unity and Compassion?

                          Illustrator: Martin Mancha, See Links Below!                                 

This book is based on Saharra’s multidimensional awakening experiences between 2016 and 2018. She was guided to include written light language for the reader to pronounce as written to activate the Star Seed self. This book is a Pleiadian activation/ transmission. The intention of the Remembering is to inspire the readers to find their Divinity within.